GRS Summer Camp Registration is open!

Our camps are a fun way for your camper to spend a week exploring, building, learning, moving, creating, and having a blast. At GRS, we treat each other and our environment with respect, and we are focused on being safe while having fun. Our programs are run by full-time GRS staff and we are open to all people from everywhere. 

GRS Camps run Monday-Thursday. Half-day camp hours are 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm. You can combine a morning session with an afternoon session and join us for lunch if you'd like! Full-day camps run from 9pm-4pm. You can come for a week of morning sessions or be with us all summer! 

Below are the dates for 2024.  Staffing and themes are still being organized and will be ready by mid January.  Pre-camp Care (8:00-9:00) and Friday Fun Day Add-ons are available this year. 

Week 1 -June 11 -14 (Tues.-Fri.)-One Full Day Camp for 1st-3rd grade and One Full Day Camp for 4th-7th grade

Week 2 -June 17 -20-Full Week of Programs

Week 3 -June 24 -27-Full Week of Programs

Week 4 --July 8 -11-Full Week of Programs

Week 5 -July 15 -18-Full Week of Programs

Week 6 -July 22-25 -Full Week of Programs

Week 7 -July 29-August 1 -Full Week of Programs

Week 8 -August 5-8-One Full Day Camp for 1st-3rd grade and One Full Day Camp for 4th-7th grade

For more information, go to or email Brent Cummins at

We are dedicated to making summer camp possible and affordable for ALL through our early-bird pricing, sibling discount, multi-program discount and our Pay What You Can program.