
Flightpath project: Coffee House Interest Form

A few students in Flightpath decided to start up Great Rivers past tradition of a Coffee House! This will be an event where people and students from 4th through 12th grade can hang out, eat food, and see/perform anything from music, comedy, poetry, and any other talents. It will happen Wednesday, April 23 from 7 - 9 pm and will be an open, free event for Upper Elementary and up, parents and staff included. The Interest Form below is to assess who may want to come so that food and supplies can be determined. Another physical interest form can be found outside Randi's room to determine any special abilities that people may want to perform during the Coffeehouse.

Coffee House Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5TUisG0_pUMZNdPvZTQjYARGItzu7X24pnUvWFz3lwnu1Tw/viewform

Questions?: Contact asataportwood@greatriverschool.org, mkane@greatriverschool.org, and rspears@greatriverschool.org

Box Tops for Education! Earn Money for Great River School!

Earn Free Money for Great River School! The Boxtops4Education Program allows our school to earn cash from commonly used items your family already purchases. It is NO LONGER necessary to cut out the physical proof of purchase on participating items and send them in to school. Just download the Boxtops App and scan your receipts! The rewards will go directly to Great River!-you don't even need to track which items might qualify! You can apply in person, online and pick-up orders to our earnings! For directions on how to download the free and easy-to-use app, click on the provided link. https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/get-the-app

THANK YOU for supporting Great River School!

Stars Ultimate Fan Store

We have exciting news in the world of Stars Gear!  We have our own store this year so you can support your favorite 5th-12th grade player by ordering some fun Stars gear.  Order now so you can have them for our tournaments!-- greatriverschoolfans.itemorder.com.  This is also a fundraiser for our programs and we receive a small portion of every purchase.

Be sure to check out this short video:  Before You Order! YouTube Link

Reminder: Blue Heron Bash Classroom Basket Donations Needed!

Tickets are on sale for the Blue Heron Bash! We will have live music from Crooner Dean & Rapid City Rhonda and the Bolos, a selection of beer and wine to pair with delicious food.  FOllow the link to our Auctria page and we’ll see you at the Bash: GRS Blue Heron Bash Tickets

The Blue Heron Bash is collecting donations for themed raffle baskets chosen by each class. Please donate if you are able before Spring Break. Conferences are a great time to drop off items including bottles of wine for the Wine Pull. You can also be the first to buy tickets at conferences! More information on the BHB here GRS Blue Heron Bash

Lower Elementary Classroom Basket Donations Needed

  • Minnehaha: Garden

  • Spring Brook: Local Black Owned Business

  • Zumbro: Hand Work

  • Minnesota: Game Night

  • Saint Croix: Sports

  • Rice Creek: Movie Night

Upper Elementary Classroom Basket Donations Needed

  • Little Elk: Love of Art

  • Shingobee: Self Care

  • Blue Earth: Rainbow

  • Otter Tail: Baking

  • Swan: Cooking

  • Crow Wing: Gratitude

Parent Engagement Meeting Tonight! March 24th; 6pm!

Our next PEG meeting is tonight, Monday, March 24th, 6:00 - 7:30pm. Dar Regan, Elementary Outdoor Guide, and Brent Cummins, Outdoor Education Coordinator, will be speaking about our outdoor education program and plans for the outside play space. Please join us!  Here is the full agenda.

To join the meeting in person, please park on Energy Lane and use the garden door labeled "G" in the SE corner of the school. Follow the stairs to the Upper Adolescent Commons space on the second floor.  

You can also join the meeting via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3976588186

Thank you!

Parent Engagement Group

Great Gatherings: Fundraising while doing exactly what you love!

Hosting a Great Gathering is a way to share an interest or talent while getting to know members of our community. Hosts choose the theme, date, and location of the event. PEG volunteers then sell fixed-price seats for the events at the Blue Heron Bash on April 26th.

Great Gatherings are as varied as our interests. Examples include A Dolly Parton Party, Traditional Thai Dinner, Summer Pool Party, Bouncy House and Ice Cream, Craft Cocktail Making, Kids vs. Adults Bowling Night, Kite Making and Flying, Maple Syrup Tapping, Ballroom Dancing Class. The list goes on!

Already know what you want to do?  Fill out this simple form to become a host today.

Not sure yet? Reach out to Alison Vandenberg (alisonvandenberg@edinarealty.com) or Miriam Hobart (Miriam.hobart@gmail.com)  with questions or for ideas. We can match you with an event or location.

Last Call for Auction Donations!

All Silent Auction donation forms and items should be submitted by Monday, April 1. (This is no April Fool’s joke!)

Please use the following forms for your donations:

If you need help getting your auction donation to GRS or have questions about your Great Gathering idea, please let us know.

Thank you, GRS community!

Seeking a parent volunteer to coordinate a new Elementary Math Club

We are looking for a parent volunteer to help supervise and coordinate an elementary math club. The parent volunteer will provide supervision and support for a group of adolescent students who wish to share their passion for math with our younger students. We hope to pilot a weekly club this spring and explore the possibility of it continuing or possibly growing into a math league in future years. The club is planned to meet weekly after school; the day is flexible according to parent availability.

For more questions, contact bigcanoe@greatriverschool.org

No School for students Mar. 19th through Mar. 21st for Professional Development and Conferences

If you haven't signed up for conferences yet, a link to sign up was sent to your email. Thank you for participating in Great River Conferences! We would like to see all families in person for conferences this year. See you soon!

Help Great River meet its critical fundraising goals while doing exactly what you love!

Hosting a Great Gathering is a way to share an interest or talent while getting to know members of our community. Hosts choose the theme, date, and location of the event. PEG volunteers then sell fixed-price seats for the events at the Blue Heron Bash on April 26th.

Great Gatherings are as varied as our interests. Examples include A Dolly Parton Party, Traditional Thai Dinner, Summer Pool Party, Bouncy House and Ice Cream, Craft Cocktail Making, Kids vs. Adults Bowling Night, Kite Making and Flying, Maple Syrup Tapping, Ballroom Dancing Class. The list goes on!

Already know what you want to do?  Fill out this simple form to become a host today.

Not sure yet? Reach out to Alison Vandenberg (alisonvandenberg@edinarealty.com) or Miriam Hobart (Miriam.hobart@gmail.com)  with questions or for ideas. We can match you with an event or location.

Reminder: Ultimate Fundraiser at Davanni's

Our three high school ultimate frisbee teams are hosting a fundraiser March 18th, 4-8pm at Davanni's on Cleveland & Grand in St. Paul to raise money to compete in tournaments this Spring. The Madison Mudbath is a large regional ultimate tournament held in Madison, WI each April. In 2024, our Stars went undefeated in windy, rainy conditions and took first place among all FMP (female matching players) teams! They are looking to return to defend their title and the boys/open team are aiming to participate as well this year. Come on out on March 18th between 4-8pm to the Davanni's on Cleveland & Grand in St Paul and mention you're with the fundraiser with your dine-in or takeout order. If you're unable to make it to the fundraiser, but want to support these athletes or learn more about GRS' ultimate program, visit our Stars website

Reminder: Lost and Found items donated after March 21st

All unclaimed items in the Lost and Found will be donated after 4pm on Friday, March 21st after conferences.

Any items of value such as jewelry, or technology, please see the Front Desk.

Adolescent or upper lost and found location

Rear entry way Lost and Found

Elementary Lost and Found

Blue Heron Bash is only a few weeks away! Wine Donations and Great Gatherings!

 We Want Your Wine!
A favorite event at the Blue Heron Bash is the Wine Pull, a contest that, for $20, gives players the chance to win any bottle of wine that’s been donated. Players support Great River School while trying someone else’s favorite wine! It’s a win-win!

In preparation for the Wine Pull game, please donate a special bottle (or two! or more!) of wine to GRS. We request that bottles be valued at $20 or greater. Please bring wine donations to Great River’s office. Conferences are a great time to drop off!

GRS families can help make the BHB a success in many ways, including donating auction items, volunteering, and hosting a Great Gathering. Check out our website for more information about how you can get involved in the coming weeks!  https://www.greatriverschool.org/blueheronbash

How can I help at the Blue Heron Bash?

What is a Great Gathering? A great gathering is a way for you to gift your skills to the Blue Heron Bash and do something you love to do!

Great News! Les Miserables Tickets available at the door! Livestream option available!

Live Stream added to the Sunday, March 16th performance at 2:00 pm! To buy your access, go to https://cur8.com/schedule/item/40417/353419?event=130789&date=353419


All shows are sold out online but there are a small number of tickets for sale at the door.  The Tickets will be sold on a first come first serve basis. 

March 14th, 7:00 pm, Doors open at 6:00 pm, Box Office opens at 6:30 pm

March 15th, 7:00 pm, Doors open at 6:00 pm, Box Office opens at 6:30 pm

March 16th, 2:00 pm, Doors open at 1:00 pm, Box Office opens at 1:30 pm

Reminder: Ultimate Fundraiser at Davanni's

Our three high school ultimate frisbee teams are hosting a fundraiser March 18th, 4-8pm at Davanni's on Cleveland & Grand in St. Paul to raise money to compete in tournaments this Spring. The Madison Mudbath is a large regional ultimate tournament held in Madison, WI each April. In 2024, our Stars went undefeated in windy, rainy conditions and took first place among all FMP (female matching players) teams! They are looking to return to defend their title and the boys/open team are aiming to participate as well this year. Come on out on March 18th between 4-8pm to the Davanni's on Cleveland & Grand in St Paul and mention you're with the fundraiser with your dine-in or takeout order. If you're unable to make it to the fundraiser, but want to support these athletes or learn more about GRS' ultimate program, visit our Stars website