The guiding principle for PEG (Parent Engagement Group) is to be Welcoming Ambassadors with a Whole School vision to Cultivate Strong Partnerships.
We focus on three main priorities:
Recruit volunteers for school events
Build connections between families
Welcome new and transitioning families
There are ongoing parent meetups to build community. Check your email for reminders (or email us at if you’re not seeing the reminders for parent meetups!)
PEG will hold a planning meeting in person at GRS and on zoom each month (generally the third Monday of the month) at 6 PM. Guest Speakers are often featured at the start of the meeting. All of our meeting times are on the GRS calendar and everyone is welcome to attend! We also host a restaurant fundraiser the same day as the meeting. This year’s current restaurants are Chipotle on Grand Avenue on 1/21.
Build Community by getting involved!
Current Volunteers Wanted:
Elementary & Adolescent Ambassadors
Spring School Conference Staff Meal Volunteers
Blue Heron Bash Fundraiser Committee & Event Volunteers
Great River School asks all families to give 20 hours each year to volunteer for the school. Get involved! Click the button above to see our current volunteer opportunities!
We are currently seeking Members at Large!
These general membership roles are open to parents and guardians of GRS students, even if you're not ready to commit to a specific position. The more ideas and input, the stronger our Parent Engagement Group and School Community will become!
We have interest groups forming around Harvest Fest, Prom and Graduation planning, the Blue Heron Bash fundraiser, Staff Conference Meal Support, Sustainability/Environment including initiatives for Gear Swaps, Earth Day actions, Bike/Walk to School days and more.
Have specific questions?
Parent ambassadors have volunteered to be the contact people for specific levels below
Elementary Ambassador Level Coordinators: **Volunteers needed**
Adolescent Ambassador Level Coordinator: **Volunteers needed**
PEG Monthly Newsletter Coordinator: **Volunteer needed**
PEG Communications Coordinator- **Volunteer needed**
Members at Large: Interested GRS family members are welcome to serve in any capacity!
Check out our Facebook Groups!
We currently financially support social events like picnics, bowling, staff conference meals & an annual staff appreciation gift ($50 in 2023-4). Donate any amount, anytime via Venmo @GRSPEG or Paypal at