Big Canoe Club — Great River School

Student Hours - 9:00am-3:50pm | Building Hours: 8:30am - 5:15pm | Big Canoe hours: 7:45 - 8:50am & 3:50 - 5:45pm

Big Canoe Club at Great River School

To reserve a drop in day (morning and/or afternoon), click here. Please reserve at least 24 hours ahead of time. Big Canoe is at capacity many mornings and afternoons, so drop in slots are limited and you will be notified if space is not available. Email the director at to get approval before reserving multiple drop in days at a time.

Now in our 9th year, Big Canoe Club at Great River School offers before & after school care for GRS students in grades 1-6. The BCC program features regularly scheduled recess time, snack, and supervised activities including arts and crafts, outdoor education, games and free play, and quiet homework time. This excellent 'not just day care' program offers:

  • Dynamic, fully engaged and supported staff including elementary workshop guides

  • Daily access to arts, crafts, games, Legos, homework time, indoor/outdoor play, unstructured imaginative play, and environmental stewardship

  • A "no electronic devices" policy that allows children to un-plug and fully engage in recreational activities

  • A small student-to-staff ratio

  • Competitive rates

Children who participate in Big Canoe also have access to student clubs and extracurricular activities; for an up-to-date spreadsheet of all after-school activities, click here.


Before School 7:45 to 9 AM
After School 3:50 to 5:45 PM - Pick up anytime before 5:45

(Note: any family dropping a student off before 8:50 must sign up for the morning program)

Full day care may be available at an extra cost on faculty professional development days. Space is limited and currently enrolled Big Canoe families will be given priority for registration. In SY 2024-25, we plan to provide care on October 16, November 6-8, December 13, January 27-28, February 28, March 19-21, and April 18. Email for details.


Drop in rates (subject to availability) are:

Morning drop in, 7:45-9 am $20

Afternoon drop in, 3:50-5:45 pm $24

Both morning and afternoon of the same day: $36

All families are asked to pay a registration fee of $30.00, which helps cover supplies for the program.

Families can opt for a monthly payment plan, or pre-pay per semester for a 10% discount.

Please click here to register for Big Canoe for SY 2024-25. Registration is subject to program availability and a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice.