Hello GRS Families,
I am Skylar Sennewald, a great River School student. My project for civics was to make a change in a community or organization you are interested in, I am working with THRESA, a women's support organization. My goal is to get donations from the families of GRS after school or before school. How that will work is that would will drop off your (clean donations) at the front office from 8 am to 5 pm. We will be taking donations within the last three weeks of February. The list of needs is down below:
New or gently used household goods such as:
Pots and pans and bakeware
Silverware and Kitchen utensils
Dishes, bowls, and mugs that are microwaveable
Small kitchen appliances: such as mixers, blenders, or crockpots in good working condition
Twin bedding: New or used & clean sheets, pillowcases, and blankets without stains or tears. Occasionally we accept other size bedding for families living in our community apartments. Throw blankets are welcome but no baby blankets right now, please.
CLOTHING appropriate to the season:
Clean used items without stains or tears are often accepted but seasonal clothing only, please. All sizes are needed especially for children For example, right now we do not need any clothes for infants through 18-month-olds.
New items needed: We like to provide new residents with robes and slippers or shower shoes and to have a supply of sweatshirts, sweaters, casual t-shirts, sweatpants or leggings, socks, bras, and underwear available in various women’s sizes. Spring, fal,l and winter coats are welcome in season.
Miscellaneous hygiene & household products commonly needed:
Donations of deodorant, body wash, combs/brushes, shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, lotion, size 5, 6, or 7 diapers/pullups, detergent, and dishwashing liquid are often needed... Apartment families very much appreciate cleaning supplies and paper products.