A few students in Flightpath decided to start up Great Rivers past tradition of a Coffee House! This will be an event where people and students from 4th through 12th grade can hang out, eat food, and see/perform anything from music, comedy, poetry, and any other talents. It will happen Wednesday, April 23 from 7 - 9 pm and will be an open, free event for Upper Elementary and up, parents and staff included. The Interest Form below is to assess who may want to come so that food and supplies can be determined. Another physical interest form can be found outside Randi's room to determine any special abilities that people may want to perform during the Coffeehouse.
Coffee House Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5TUisG0_pUMZNdPvZTQjYARGItzu7X24pnUvWFz3lwnu1Tw/viewform
Questions?: Contact asataportwood@greatriverschool.org, mkane@greatriverschool.org, and rspears@greatriverschool.org