Reminder: Ultimate Fundraiser at Davanni's

Our three high school ultimate frisbee teams are hosting a fundraiser March 18th, 4-8pm at Davanni's on Cleveland & Grand in St. Paul to raise money to compete in tournaments this Spring. The Madison Mudbath is a large regional ultimate tournament held in Madison, WI each April. In 2024, our Stars went undefeated in windy, rainy conditions and took first place among all FMP (female matching players) teams! They are looking to return to defend their title and the boys/open team are aiming to participate as well this year. Come on out on March 18th between 4-8pm to the Davanni's on Cleveland & Grand in St Paul and mention you're with the fundraiser with your dine-in or takeout order. If you're unable to make it to the fundraiser, but want to support these athletes or learn more about GRS' ultimate program, visit our Stars website