P.E.G. Parent Engagement Group presents "Parent Education: SEL" - Mon., Mar. 4, 6pm

The Parent Engagement Group cordially invites you to an evening of education and planning Monday, March 4th at 6 pm. PEG's intention for these monthly meetings is to provide an opportunity to gather for the purpose of strengthening our knowledge and community bonds to each other.

We will begin the meeting at 6 pm with our guest speaker, Saleha Erdmann, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Coordinator. Saleha Erdmann, the GRS Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Coordinator will speak about the Great River School Social Emotional Learning program. She will share how SEL supports students, staff and the broader GRS community.

The monthly PEG planning meeting will follow this presentation starting at 6:30 pm. In the PEG planning portion of the meeting we will be discussing food for staff during spring conferences, the Blue Heron Bash, Earth Day, and more!

We’ll be meeting in person in the Upper Adolescent Commons, please enter at Door G by the garden shed and the grow light
Or on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84299165563?pwd=UUhEL216dTRPc0laQld2cHprblJjUT09
Meeting ID: 842 9916 5563
Passcode: 932164
When: March 4th at 6 pm
Where: GRS, Upper Adolescent Commons, please enter by Door G, near the Garden shed and grow light. Please join us for as little or as much time as you are able.