The 2023 Blue Heron Bash needs your donations! There are many ways to participate so get creative. The auction will be March 13-19.
Donate in one or more of the following categories:
LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS : support local restaurants and stores. Buy gift cards and donate them to the auction. Support the businesses and GRS at the same time. If you are a GRS family and own a business we want everyone to know it and support you.
GREAT GATHERING: share your skills by offering a great gathering on cooking, crafting, gardening, beer brewing and more! 2023 Great Gatherings
Or donate an online class (the Loft, local community education, etc.)
MERCHANDISE : donate a bottle of wine for the wine pull, games, gift baskets, art, jewelry, unwanted gifts, unused gift cards and more! Think of things that would be appealing to members of the community.
MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS: support your favorite museums, gyms, state and national parks, online news sources, public media stations, CSA, streaming services by donating a membership or subscription.
READINGS OR PERFORMANCES: offer a poetry reading, musical performance, or donate tickets to an event from one of your favorite music or theater venues. Donate tickets to a sporting event.
SERVICES: offer to build a website, consult on a resume, create a logo, or more!
MAKERS MARKET: we want to celebrate the Montessori tradition of hand work and highlight students and families who create art, crafts, food, etc. in our 4th annual Makers Market.
For more information and links to sign up, check out our BHB 101 Doc!