GSA Attends Q-Quest!

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On Tuesday, October 3rd, members of GRS' Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) attended Q-Quest. Q-Quest is a two day event for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Allied youth to enjoy workshops, entertainment, conversation, and art with a couple hundred other LGBTQA youth from across the metro & greater metro area.

Stephanie Ballen, A1 shares her thoughts after the event: 

Q-Quest was a time to express yourself while listening to others' stories. I think the whole experience made me think a lot about creating a safe space, while we were there it seemed like anyone could state their own opinion and be heard without judgement. My favorite session of the day was "Queer Science", where we learned about how members of the LGBTQ+ community have contributed to science (like Alan Turing, a gay man who helped crack the Enigma code) and how the community is represented in the natural world (some examples are lesbian albatrosses and sex-swapping clown fish). I hope that even more people from GRS come next year, it was so much fun!

-Stephanie Ballen, A1