Newsletter Updates from Ottertail River


“These six books are historical fiction from the 1500’s, and are based on our work with powers of numbers. The main characters are Constance, Sarah, Maryanne, and Lisa. Constance is a frivolous nobleman’s wife, Lisa is a bread maker, Sarah is a poor farmer, and Maryanne is a villager. Such big work is fun, and sometimes it’s really overwhelming. We always laugh when we write them.”

-      Aima and Elspeth 


“This is our vertebrate classification collage – it has mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. The red material is the classification of different body functions such as respiration, movement, circulation, reproduction, and protection.”

 -      Rasa and Frances 


“This is a blueprint of an eco-city, we built a three-dimensional model. This city is efficient because it is self-sustaining. It has many trees to produce oxygen and no cars for zero emissions. All the people bike, walk, or use public transportation. The energy is green and produced by solar panels, wind turbines, and hydro-electric. It was fun to make!”

-      Turi


“Vikings! This is a research project. It is organized into different subjects such as farming, trading, and craftsmanship. We are going to make a rap using all the different facts next. Nico is in there for scale – he is 5’2”!”

-      Eilif, Truman, and Nico


“We made the periodic table of elements, hooray! We are going to experiment with the different elements now that it’s done. We can spell some of our names using the elements – Osmium, Potassium, Argon, and Oxygen and Lithium.”

-      Oskar, Leo, Lochlainn, and Oli