Extended Essays - Donut Celebration!

Just before winter break, IB diploma candidates completed their Extended Essays. The culmination of a year’s worth of work, the Extended Essay is a 4,000 word research essay that students begin in their spring of their junior year and finish in the winter of their senior year. Working with a staff mentor, students delved into a research question that ignited their curiosity. The Extended Essay is the longest, most in-depth research project many students have ever done, and thus we celebrated their achievement with donuts.

Student Research Questions

  • How does Margaret Atwood use narrative technique to establish a mood of confusion in her novel Alias Grace?

  • To what extent do cultural stigmas regarding menstruation negatively affect the lives of women in Nepal?

  • Why does America struggle with reforming its gun policies much more than New Zealand?

  • To what extent do childhood experiences change the future of psychopaths?

  • To what extent did the syntax in Arithmatica affect the syntax in The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing and Jade Mirror of the Four Origins?

  • To what extent are American audiences influenced by K-Pop?

  • To what extent does national self interest outweigh the intervention of human rights violations?

  • What actors and factors play a significant role in Singapore's success as measured by SDG 11?

  • To what extent is Air Quality Linked to Asthma?

  • To what extent are forest fires essential for ecological succession in the BWCA?