Upper Elementary Key Experiences 2019


The Upper Elementary classes have just finished up their key experiences.  Shingobee, Crow Wing, and Little Elk went to Wolf Ridge while Otter Tail, Blue Earth and Swan went to Widjiwagan.  Both of these are outdoor education centers that run summer camps, field trips and host rental groups. Great River is now too large to send all of our students to Widjiwagan, so half of them go to Wolf Ridge.

A week seems like a long time but days are filled to the brim with hiking and exploring the many beautiful acres near the North Shore and the Boundary Waters.  On these hikes, students learn about the forests of Minnesota, the animals that live there and how to care for, respect and appreciate the natural wonders of our state.  The two centers run their programs a bit differently and they both offer unique classes/experiences so students can share a variety of stories with one another upon return.  

Our goals for these trips include immersing the kids in the wilderness, living in a community, creating lasting memories with classmates, being responsible for your own well-being, challenging them mentally and physically, being unplugged, and gaining a new appreciation for our natural world.  Both of these trips definitely hit all of our goals and student feedback was overwhelming positive! Even the food received rave reviews at both sites. So, thank you for entrusting us and staff at these centers with your student(s) and we look forward to building off of these trips for the rest of the school year!