Lower Adolescent

Blue Heron Bash Thank you!

Donors, sponsors, volunteers, those who attended, and others who bid online… 

Thank you for participating in the 2024 Blue Heron Bash! 
Together we raised more than $33,000 for our school!

Important Reminders

***Auction Winners: Please pick up your item(s) Thursday April 25, 4-6pm or during the Earth Day Clean Up on Saturday, April 27 from 10am-2pm. 

***We still need volunteers this week to organize auction items, assemble thank you letters and help with auction item pick up. Volunteer

***Great Gatherings and Fund A Need are still available plus a few auction items. 

Check ‘em out!

Reminder: Ultimate Frisbee Fundraiser April 24th

The Great River School Ultimate Frisbee teams are hosting a fundraiser to participate in tournaments this Spring. This event is April 24, 4-8pm at the Midway location on Hamline Ave & University in St. Paul.

When ordering in the restaurant, mention GRS. Online orders use "GIVING25" in the Coupon Code line at checkout.

Noodles & Company
470 Hamline Ave N, St. Paul, MN 55104

GRS Track and Field Highlights! Congratulations!

This Spring our GRS students have been putting in hard work and running into great success in Track and Field. Read more below about just a few of the amazing things our students have been up to this spring:

In the 110 Hurdles: Oskar R and Emmet G both ran great times for their first time doing the hurdles. They also ran the 300 Hurdles where Oskar is 4th in school history and Emmet is 10th in school history. Congratulations!

In his first ever 1600 meter run, Alexander Jacobson ran a 6 minute 44 second race in very tough weather conditions. Amazing time and perseverance!

In the girls 400, Onya Vandarcia ran a 1:10.14 400 (one time around the track) she is 2nd in school history and is only 4 seconds off the school record which she will hit when the weather is nicer. Onya also ran a very solid 200 meter dash as well.

Ever the go-getter, Jamal Randle had a busy day on the track running the 100, 200 and the 4x4 relay. Jamal is a key part of the tigers roster as he is known to run and fill into any event asked of him (no more than 400).

In her first Varsity meet ever, Aliyah Randle found success in the throwing events where she not only beat juniors and seniors, but also broke the 8th grade school record in the shot put! This is a huge accomplishment for her!

Last but not least, Asata and Aima Portwood will be competing in next week's battle for the school record. What sister will get the record? And Desirae Pederson will make her Track and Field Debut on Thursday, April 25th so come out and cheer her on!

To come out and support the Track team, take a look at the schedule below!

Thank you all for your support and continued cheering for the track and field athletes.

Blue Heron Bash is tomorrow!

Blue Heron Bash To Dos:

Get tickets bit.ly/GRSBHBTICKETS24

Volunteer https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D49A4A62BABF94-under#/

Start bidding bit.ly/GRSBHBTICKETS24 Saturday, April 20, 6pm–10pm, at GRS. (Tomorrow!)

See you there!

P.S. Here are a few tips:

Bring cash if you wish to play the wine pull (as a game of chance by law must be paid for using cash). If you can’t attend, you can still participate in the online auction by registering at bit.ly/GRSBHBTICKETS24 Childcare is free! Limited availability for ages 5-12. Sign up today

SAVE THE DATE: Great River School Board Elections 2024 - 2025

Board Elections for the 2024-2025 school year are coming up! Thank you to everyone who applied to serve on the board! Voting will start Monday, May 6th at 8:00am. Voting will end Friday, May 10th at 11:59pm. All parents, faculty, and current board members are able to vote. Voting will be open digitally from Monday through Friday of that week! Election results will be shared the following week. 

Questions? Email executive@greatriverschool.org

Bike Tune-ups

Safety is the top priority in preparing and executing the bike trip. A large part of this requires all individuals to have properly operating bikes. All students MUST have their bike tuned-up by the Great River Bike Shop or another bike shop before the trip. Sign up for a tuneup at the GRS Bike Shop Here This is a long-standing policy that keeps everyone safe. If you have questions about getting your bike repaired, please e-mail Johnny Wakefield: jwakefield@greatriverschool.org

Come out to support GRS students on the Boys Volleyball Team!

We have 5 awesome Great River School students competing on the spring Boys Volleyball team this year! Justin (12th), Soren (11th), Finnian (11th), Zack (10th), and Sam (9th). We would love for our community to come cheer us on!
Here is our match schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y77Y9z07tzZTOxUjRaSS3xFfS3Bk3Rtkg1ITtcg_uQo/edit?usp=sharing

GRS Music Program "Celebrates the 90s!" at the Amsterdam on May 2nd

GRS is excited to announce the Spring Music concert “GRS Celebrates the 90s” featuring songs from your favorite 90s music artists such as No Doubt, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys and more! A passionate and talented group of student musicians in grades 8 - 12 have been jumping in to learn some nostalgic tunes over the past few months and are excited to share their work with you!

Amsterdam Bar and Hall on Wed May 2nd at 7:00pm.
All Ages show
Student tickets are $10 now / $15 at the door and general tickets are $15 now / $20 at the door.

This is a fundraiser for our music program to help purchase much needed equipment! Donations are welcome at the event as well. See you there!

Tickets available at the following link: https://www.amsterdambarandhall.com/Tickets

Blue Heron Bash Auction is OPEN!! Check it out!

The Auction is open with Items from our Generous Donors, including:


Plus, there’s a Maker’s Market featuring handmade goods (pottery, knitting, jewelry, woodworking, baked goods, and more) from Great River family artisans!

And, a special Goats & Grounds Fund A Need, with donations going toward a new goat enclosure and an expanded elementary play space and garden area.

Last but not least, you’ll get a sneak peak at all the Great Gatherings that will be available at the Blue Heron Bash on April 20th.

Check it out!

Buy BHB tickets, reserve event child care, and more here.

BIPOC Caregiver Meeting - New Date, April 25th

GRS Community, 

Earlier this month we had to reschedule the monthly BIPOC caregiver meeting. This meeting has been rescheduled and will be held virtually on Thursday, April 25th, from 5:30-6:30 and can be accessed by clicking the link below. 

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ecc-bhoc-erk
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 646-632-2630‬ PIN: ‪548 875 991‬#

Please contact Jordan Samejima with questions. 

Join us for the SEAC Committee Meeting, Monday, April 29th; 6pm

There will be a SEAC (Special Education Advisory Council) meeting on Monday, April 29th at 6pm

All parents / guardians of students currently receiving special education services are invited to attend and share constructive feedback. 

The meeting will be in the media lab at Great River School. If you are unable to attend in person, you can attend via Zoom. Please contact Jeremy Sartain for a Zoom link at sartain.jeremy@gmail.com or 612-414-5224. If you arrive late and can't get into the building on the day of the meeting, call or text Jeremy Sartain at 612-414-5224.

What Is A SEAC?

A SEAC (pronounced “seek”) is an acronym for Special Education Advisory Council, which is a group that provides input on special education issues to its local school district. Its purpose is to advise and advocate, not to decide policy. Minnesota law requires each school district in the state to have a SEAC although it does not specify how the groups should be organized or what duties they should perform. As a result, each SEAC may have a unique mission and structure.

(Source www.pacer.org)

Why Might I Want To Participate On A SEAC?

Parents give many reasons for joining a SEAC, including these:

  • I may be able to help other families and children with disabilities in my school district.

  • I can share what I’ve learned since my child began his education.

  • I can support the school professionals in my district.

  • I will be a good role model for my child.

  • I feel good when I make a contribution to this community.

  • I will learn information and skills that may help me work more effectively with my school district.

  • I will meet others with similar goals, both parents and school professionals.

  • I may build positive relationships with others in my district.

  • I will become more knowledgeable about special education.

  • By sharing my unique perspective and insights as a parent, I may help the school district work more effectively with families and improve outcomes for children.

(Source www.pacer.org)

Some background information about Jeremy Sartain:
”I am currently the Board Chair for Great River School.  One reason I joined the Board is to assure special education (staff, caregivers and students) had representation.  My wife, Jennie, and I are organizing SEAC meetings this year (with help from Brad and Lindsey). “

Blue Heron Bash Auction STARTS at 5pm TODAY!

The Auction Starts Today with Items from our Generous Donors, including:

Plus, there’s a Maker’s Market featuring handmade goods (pottery, knitting, jewelry, woodworking, baked goods, and more) from Great River family artisans!

And, a special Goats & Grounds Fund A Need, with donations going toward a new goat enclosure and an expanded elementary play space and garden area.

Last but not least, you’ll get a sneak peak at all the Great Gatherings that will be available at the Blue Heron Bash on April 20th.

Check it out!

Buy BHB tickets, reserve event child care, and more here.

Reminder: Ultimate Frisbee Fundraiser April 24th

The Great River School Ultimate Frisbee teams are hosting a fundraiser to participate in tournaments this Spring. This event is April 24, 4-8pm at the Midway location on Hamline Ave & University in St. Paul.

When ordering in the restaurant, mention GRS. Online orders use "GIVING25" in the Coupon Code line at checkout.

Noodles & Company
470 Hamline Ave N, St. Paul, MN 55104

Reminder: Ultimate Frisbee Fundraiser April 24th

The Great River School Ultimate Frisbee teams are hosting a fundraiser to participate in tournaments this Spring. This event is April 24, 4-8pm at the Midway location on Hamline Ave & University in St. Paul.

When ordering in the restaurant, mention GRS. Online orders use "GIVING25" in the Coupon Code line at checkout.

Noodles & Company
470 Hamline Ave N, St. Paul, MN 55104

Parent Engagement Group partners with Panera, April 5th, 2024

Let us help you with dinner and support the GRS PEG community! The Parent Engagement Group has partnered with Panera to help you with dinner on April 5th (Friday) to raise money for the Parent Engagement group. Win, Win, Win for everyone!

April 5th (Friday) pick up Panera Bread for dinner on your way home or meet some of your GRS friends there to eat. Use the Code FUND4U

Ultimate Frisbee Fundraiser RESCHEDULED to Wednesday, April 24

The Great River School Ultimate Frisbee teams are hosting a fundraiser to participate in tournaments this Spring. The event originally scheduled for April 3 has been rescheduled to April 24, 4-8pm at the Midway location on Hamline Ave & University in St. Paul. When ordering in the restaurant, mention GRS.

Online orders use "GIVING25" in the Coupon Code line at checkout.

Noodles & Company, 470 Hamline Ave N, St. Paul, MN 55104

REMINDER: Parent Engagement Group (P.E.G) Meeting, TONIGHT, Monday, April 1st

The Parent Engagement Group invites you to join the monthly PEG meeting TONIGHT at 6 p.m. in the Upper Adolescent Commons (or on Zoom).

The intention is to offer an opportunity to meet other GRS community members, learn more about GRS-related topics, and plan important community-building events. This month, Kate McCreight, Great River Foundation Chair, will be the featured guest speaker. Aja Parham, GRS Communications Coordinator, will also be joining. The Blue Heron Bash is quickly approaching. There’s a lot going on at GRS!

April PEG Meeting Monday, April 1st (TONIGHT!) 6:00 p.m. in the Upper Adolescent Commons Enter Door G by the garden shed and the grow lights.

Or on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84299165563?pwd=UUhEL216dTRPc0laQld2cHprblJjUT09

Meeting ID: 842 9916 5563.

Passcode: 932164 Questions? Email peg@greatriverschool.org