
External post: MN Youth Birdwatching Club

We've had the pleasure of working with birder Amy Simso Dean during elementary Environmental Ed workshop. Amy leads the MN Youth Birdwatching Club, which has received grants for 2023 to offer *free* guided birding opportunities for youth and families. Please share this information with others, or reach out for your own family if you are interested! Email MYbirdclubinfo@gmail.com or follow @MYBirdClub on facebook.  

Family Feedback Survey - Due June 9th

Families of Great River,

We look forward to your feedback regarding this past school year. Your feedback creates and informs the decisions we will make as a school community. Please be direct, honest, and critical where appropriate. Also let us know where you find joy and strength in our learning community. After each question is an opportunity to provide additional comment if you would like to elaborate on any specific topic.

Please fill this Family Feedback Form by June 9th. Your results are anonymous and we appreciate every shared experience and perspective!

End-of-year BIPOC Gathering! Wednesday, May 24; 11:30am to 3pm

This is a reminder that our year end BIPOC gathering will take place tomorrow at Griggs park from 11:30am - 3pm. 

Pizza, snacks, and water will be provided. Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options will be available. 

The plan is to meet outside at the blacktop area and walk over to griggs park together as a group at 11:30am. Students are expected to remain at the park until we return to school together at 3pm. 

If you have any questions please reach out to Jordan. 

Donate to the Art Department today!

Cleaning out your storage for spring? The art department is looking for any (working) film cameras that you may be looking to unload. We are always happy to take any used or unused canvases and blank sketchbooks as well. Thanks for considering the GRS Art Department! Supplies can be delivered to the front office. Please contact Randi McClure rmcclure@greatriverschool.org for any questions.

Family Feedback Survey - due June 9th

Families of Great River,

We look forward to your feedback regarding this past school year. Your feedback creates and informs the decisions we will make as a school community. Please be direct, honest, and critical where appropriate. Also let us know where you find joy and strength in our learning community. After each question is an opportunity to provide additional comment if you would like to elaborate on any specific topic.

Please fill this Family Feedback Form by June 9th. Your results are anonymous and we appreciate every shared experience and perspective!

Summer Ultimate for Elementary Students

As Ultimate seasons are coming to an end, we would like to keep the spirit of the game going throughout the summer!  Come learn from one of our very own seasoned veterans, Scott Alsleben this summer.  He has over 20 years of playing and coaching experience and is running a variety of ultimate camps for 4th-7th, 7th-10th and 8th-12th grades at Como Park.  If you played on an ultimate team this year, keep your eyes out for a discount code in your inbox from Brent.  If you are looking for further financial assistance, click to fill out the form for our Pay What You Can Program.  Register and learn more about our camps here.  Questions?  Email Brent at bcummins@greatriverschool.org if you have any questions about the below options.

June 20-23 (9:00-12:00)-Ultimate for All for 7th-10th
• June 20-23 (1:00-4:00)-Beginners Ultimate for 4th-7th
• June 26-29 (9:00-12:00)-Experienced Ultimate/Goaltimate for 7th-10th
• June 26-29 (1:00-4:00)-Beginners Ultimate for 4th-7th
• July 5-7 (9:00-4:00)-Advanced Ultimate and Swimming at Como for 9th-12th
• July 31-August 3 (9:00-4:00)-Ultimate, Swimming, Hiking and More for 7th-10th

Back Again by Popular Demand!! Two more days! GRS Music Presents "Ziggy Stardust Project: A Celebration of the music of David Bowie"

Our David Bowie Ziggy Stardust show at the Amsterdam was a huge success! Thanks so much for coming out and supporting our GRS musicians. They were thrilled to be playing to a full and enthusiastic audience!

If you didn't get a chance to see the show on Wednesday, May 10, you're in luck! We'll be doing one performance here at school on Saturday May 20, at 7:00 PM in the Performance Space. Donations are welcome, but not required! No tickets required, Seats will be first come, first served so get here early! Doors will open at 6:30.

Back Again by Popular Demand!! GRS Music Presents "Ziggy Stardust Project: A Celebration of the music of David Bowie"

Our David Bowie Ziggy Stardust show at the Amsterdam was a huge success! Thanks so much for coming out and supporting our GRS musicians. They were thrilled to be playing to a full and enthusiastic audience!

If you didn't get a chance to see the show on Wednesday, May 10, you're in luck! We'll be doing one performance here at school on Saturday May 20, at 7:00 PM in the Performance Space. Donations are welcome, but not required! No tickets required, Seats will be first come, first served so get here early! Doors will open at 6:30.

Great River NHS Blood Drive - Calling All Parents!!

Every two seconds someone in the US needs blood. Due to the vitality of blood for everyday life, it cannot be manufactured and can only be donated. On May 17th you could be one of the 6.8 million people who donate blood and help save countless lives.  Your single donation can save the lives of many, helping much more than just one individual. While we are planning to have a large student turnout, and we ask that you encourage your teen students (Ages 18, and 16 and 17 with parent permission) to donate as well, we need participation from the whole community to make the biggest impact possible. 

That means YOU parents! 

Last week, we had our first 10 donors sign-up and we are looking for 30 more to help us reach our goal of collecting 26 pints! 

Upon participation, snacks, $10 gift card to, and donor t-shirts will be available to all that give blood! 

You can sign up here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=Great%20River&cid=siebel&med=email&source=bdc_email&utm_source=siebel&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=bdc_email 

Appointments are available from 8am to 2pm!

For more information please contact Elsie Newburg at enewburg@greatriverschool.org or Anika Overvoorde aovervoorde@greatriverschool.org 

We are counting on you! 

GRS NHS Class of 2023

Homework Help is here to help until June 1st!

Hey, did you know?

Homework Help Meets Until June 1

Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 5 pm

Room 255


Drop-in anytime

No registration required

Healthy snacks are provided

A quiet, supportive, after school study space for 7th to 12th grade students staffed by experienced GRS

Great Employment Opportunities at Great River School!

Are you or someone you know interested in working with a great crew at Great River School? Great River School is hiring for multiple positions, including, non-license teaching positions as well as volunteer positions!

To apply, go to greatriverschool.org/employment to see the current job openings.

Two more days! GRS Music Presents "Ziggy Stardust Project: A Celebration of the music of David Bowie"

GRS is excited to announce our Ziggy Stardust Project: A Celebration of the Music of David Bowie show! A passionate and talented group of student musicians in grades 8 - 12 have been learning David Bowie’s entire Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust album (plus a few extras for fun) over the past few months and are excited to share their work with you!

We'll be performing at the Amsterdam Bar and Hall on Wed May 10 at 7:00. Doors open at 6:00. Student tickets are $10 now / $15 at the door and general tickets are $15 now / $20 at the door. This is a fundraiser for our music program to help purchase much needed equipment! Donations are welcome at the event as well. See you there!

Tickets available at the following link: https://www.amsterdambarandhall.com/Tickets

GRS Music Presents "Ziggy Stardust Project: A Celebration of the music of David Bowie"

GRS is excited to announce our Ziggy Stardust Project: A Celebration of the Music of David Bowie show! A passionate and talented group of student musicians in grades 8 - 12 have been learning David Bowie’s entire Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust album (plus a few extras for fun) over the past few months and are excited to share their work with you!

We'll be performing at the Amsterdam Bar and Hall on Wed May 10 at 7:00. Doors open at 6:00. Student tickets are $10 now / $15 at the door and general tickets are $15 now / $20 at the door. This is a fundraiser for our music program to help purchase much needed equipment! Donations are welcome at the event as well. See you there!

Tickets available at the following link: https://www.amsterdambarandhall.com/Tickets

Last Day of Voting! Vote today for your School Board Candidates!

It's the last day to vote in the Board Election for the 2023-2024 school year! Thank you again to all who applied and showed interest and to our candidates for being willing to serve on the board! Caregivers and Faculty, please take another look at our Candidate Profiles and vote!! 

Voting closes at 11:59pm TODAY, Thursday, May 4th! All parents, faculty, and board members are able to vote. Cast your vote here

Election results will not be publicly announced until the Board approves the chosen candidates at the May board meeting, on May 24, 2023. 

Questions? Email executive@greatriverschool.org.

Homework Help is here to help until June 1st!

Hey, did you know?

Homework Help Meets Until June 1

Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 5 pm

Room 255


Drop-in anytime

No registration required

Healthy snacks are provided

A quiet, supportive, after school study space for 7th to 12th grade students staffed by experienced GRS

Camp for 4th through 7th! All-day experience at Camp of All Camps!!

Calling all 4th-7th graders to join us for our all-day experience called Camp of All Camps!  This is the only camp that happens every week and has a Wheels Wednesday, goes to Como pool every week and provides the most freedom and choice of activities of all the camps.  Come hang out with our very own Alexis Jackson or Chad Hofland.  They might even make you a slushie! Click to fill out the form for our Pay What You Can Program.  Register and learn more about our camps here.  Questions?  Email Brent at bcummins@greatriverschool.org