Make a difference in your community and join our team as a math or reading tutor. Great River School is looking for reading and math tutors (through the Minnesota Math & Reading Corps) to give their time and talent to help kids become successful.
Math Tutor – Minnesota Math Corps
Reading Tutor - Minnesota Reading Corps
Tutors work one-on-one or in small groups with students during school hours throughout the school year. No matter if you’re a recent grad, career changer, stay-at-home parent, or retiree, you can make a great tutor. No experience? No problem. Math Corps provides comprehensive training in strategies proven to help students learn, so tutors are well equipped to help students grow.
Perks as A Tutor
Receive a stipend every two weeks (comparable to $15/hour)
Earn up to $3,172 for college tuition or student loans. Tutors 55 and older may gift the award to their child, grandchild, stepchild or foster child.
Free health insurance and child care assistance for those who qualify
Ready to be the change for struggling students? Learn more at Questions can be sent to or call 866.859.2825. You can also connect with Nicole Anderson at GRS: