On Wednesday, October 6, parent volunteers will make it easier for families to try a “drop and walk”. Students who come to school in family vehicles can receive help from parent volunteers crossing streets near Great River if they are dropped off at McMurray Fields at Como Park or on Taylor Avenue & Hamline Avenue south of school. Students are already familiar with these routes due to frequent walking field trips in the neighborhood. Parents are welcome to walk with students.
North of school/McMurray Fields at Como Park
Gather by 7:55am at the McMurray Fields parking lot in Como Park. Karen Solas and Sam Olson will walk with students all the way to school, assisting at intersections and driveways. There will not be walking support after school. Contact Karen (ksolas@gmail.com) with questions.
South of school/Taylor Avenue at Hamline Avenue
Be sure to travel westbound on Taylor so your kids can hop out of the car on the passenger side, reducing the number of streets they need to cross. Students may walk along Taylor Avenue to the sidewalk adjacent to Hamline Avenue. Join parent volunteers to find out about helping as a crossing guard at Pierce Butler on a daily basis. Crossing guards will be there from 8:00am to 8:30am. Contact Susan (susan.sochacki@gmail.com)with questions.