Fall Conferences Coming Up on November 4-5th

Conferences this fall will be held on Thursday, November 4th and Friday, November 5th. There will be no school these days.

Conference Details:

This fall, we will offer a hybrid model of conferences for those families with an increased need for COVID-19 protection. If you are vaccinated, comfortable and able, we request your presence for an in-person conference (everyone must wear a mask and be COVID-symptom free). Should you need a virtual conference over Zoom, you will have that option. We ask that all unvaccinated caregivers sign up for a virtual conference. To see more information on conferences, click here. Sign-up for a conference time at https://bit.ly/grsfallconferences.

Faculty Potluck:

To accomplish this, the teachers will be putting in long days, engaging in focused conversations with all of us. The food that families contribute not only keeps everyone nourished, but serves as an important show of support for all that the guides and staff do for our kids! To volunteer to bring food for the faculty potluck, visit https://bit.ly/grsfacultypotluck.