Hello friends and families of Great River School!
We are the leaders of the kitchen microeconomy class and we are eager to tell you about the soup, bread, and craft options we are preparing for Harvest Fest, happening TOMORROW, October 16, 2021 from 2-5pm (looking for more Harvest Fest details? Scroll to the bottom of this email!).
Here we will feature the food that the Q1 Lower Adolescent Culinary Arts Creative Expression has prepared for you!
Stone Vegetable Soup
The first item on the menu is vegetable stone soup made by the 7th and 8th grade students of the kitchen! The soup will be mainly of vegetables and beans and will be the primary food item of Harvest Fest because we've been making it every harvest fest for years! It is a tradition at Great River School. For the soup, you need to bring your own bowl/cup and spoon for every person in your family in order to get served the soup. Feel free to bring vegetables to add to the soup as well! You will have to bring it to the people at the front counter by the soup pot!
Ingredients: it will be a vegan soup with all sorts of vegetables brought from many different families of the school! If you are concerned about what is in the soup due to allergies, ask one of the people at the soup pot what there is!
Pumpkin Bread
The sweet bread that is being baked is pumpkin bread! This is NOT gluten-free or vegan. The students have practiced making sweet bread over the last couple weeks and are excited to have you all try it! The students will even roast a pumpkin and gut it to make the pumpkin bread! We hope you enjoy it!
Ingredients: Eggs, pumpkin puree, vegetable oil, white sugar, flour, baking soda, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, ground cloves, ground ginger, salt
Gluten-Free Bread
It’s a free yeasted bread, the gluten-free bread will also be made into a baguette shape! It’s dairy-free and coconut free and there will be the same amount of it as the yeasted bread! We're glad we could make gluten-free bread for gluten-sensitive people.
Ingredients: gluten-free flour, yeast, salt, water, tapioca starch, and baking powder
Yeast Bread
It is a simple recipe that is vegan. It will be shaped into a loaf and cut into slices at Harvest Fest! It is the main item that will go with the soup and is made with ingredients from the school itself. There will be a lot so there's no need to bring bread to the harvest fest! This is one of the first things the students learned to make so it should be good. Thank you!
Ingredients: flour, yeast, salt, and water
Other Craft Items
There will be student-made items for sale, including:
Nature dyed yarn
Hand-woven hangings
Beeswax wraps
Hand-sewn hot/cold packs
and much more!
All funds raised with food/craft sales will go to support the programming and work of Great River School.