PEG Meeting This Monday!


The next Parent Engagement Group (PEG) meeting is this Monday, March 11, from 6:30-8 pm. Childcare will be available!

Please join us to hear updates on school events and volunteer opportunities, along with an engaging talk by Head of School Sam O'Brien. Sam will answer questions that community members have submitted about Montessori practices and GRS policies and procedures. There's still time to submit questions--see the link below.

We'll also be joined by school nutritionist Jenny Breen for an update about the hot lunch program, and we'll have the chance to taste the delicious food coming from Chef Leah's kitchen!

Bring your questions and your appetites--along with any spare bottles of wine you'd like to donate to the Blue Heron Bash. Hope to see you there!


"Why can’t I walk my child into school? Why doesn’t my child bring work home? How is my child’s progress being measured by their teacher? What are the curricular goals at my child’s level?"

Montessori education takes an approach that is nontraditional in many ways and can at times feel unfamiliar (or even uncomfortable), even to seasoned Montessori parents! If you’ve found yourself asking "Is this normal?", here’s your chance to share your question and have it answered. Submit your questions about Montessori philosophy and methods, or about GRS policy and approach by filling out this form. Then, attend the upcoming PEG meeting, where head of school Sam O’Brien will speak to the questions that have been submitted.