January 2024 Head of School Message

written by David Núñez, Head of School

Dear GRS Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful winter break.  We are back and in full swing and getting very close to the midpoint in the year!

As we approach the midpoint of the academic year, we are excited to share some significant updates and accomplishments with you. Your continued support has been instrumental in shaping our school's success, and we are thrilled to highlight the following:

1. New Strategic Plan:

We are proud to announce the successful final draft of our new strategic plan, a collaborative effort that reflects our entire community’s commitment and passion. This comprehensive plan outlines our goals, objectives, and initiatives for the coming five years. If you haven’t had the chance yet, we invite you to review the plan here and send feedback directly to me!

2. Spring Fundraiser: Save the Date!

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Blue Heron Bash Fundraiser on April 20th. As always, this exciting event promises to be a fun-filled occasion for our community to come together in support of our school. Stay tuned for more details!

3. Empowering Professional Learning:

Our devoted staff members have been actively engaged in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) this year, fostering an environment of continuous improvement. These collaborative groups allow our educators to share insights, implement best practices, and refine their teaching methods. So far this year the PLC initiative is going well and we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from staff.

4. Staff Sabbatical

I am happy to announce that Jean Peters, the Elementary Program Director, is going to be going on sabbatical the second half of this school year.  We are all excited to hear how her time away will support her development as a leader in the school.  While she is gone, we are also excited to share that Karen Anway will be stepping in as an interim Elementary Program Director, and that Anna Renvall will be stepping into Karen’s current role as the Interim Big Canoe Club Program Manager.  I am so excited for all three of these staff members and personally really look forward to working more closely with Karen during the second half of this year.

5. Big News!

The Great River School Board has started exploring opportunities for growth.  The school board is now actively considering the expansion of Great River School to a second site. This exciting possibility aligns with our dedication to providing quality education to a broader community. However, we are only at the very beginning of the process of exploration and nothing has yet been decided.  We will keep you updated on the progress of these discussions and value your input as we explore this potential avenue for expansion.  If you are interested in giving input the board has a process for public comment during board meetings, or you can reach out to me if you want more details about the board’s expansion committee!

We appreciate your ongoing support and involvement in the GRS community. Together, we are building a foundation for success and creating an environment where every student can thrive.

Thank you.


David Núñez

Head of School