Written by Holly Bell, Director of First Impressions
Is it REALLY Spring? Can we trust the weather (that has improved so dramatically since Spring Break)? I am just not certain. I really want it to be Spring, but I am a little wary of Mother Nature. I remember last year that we had snow April 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18. But that was LAST year, you might say. Yes. And today, we still have some snow on yards and mounds of snow in parking lots as I write this.
What’s really bugging me is that there are so many things to DO in Spring - things I’ve waited all winter to do. Like: (1) Start seedlings growing so they’re ready to take off growing outside soon. (2) Harvest tulips and daffodils that I planted last Fall. (3) Clean out my car really well. (4) Sweep out all of the sand/dirt from the winter roads that is still on my garage floor. (5) Trim trees that have damage from heavy snows or rabbit chewings. (6) Unearth my garden from the winter trappings of leaves, sticks, etc. (7) Fly a kite! (8) Give my dog a bath outside. (9) Take the plastic off of the windows in my apartment so I can get some fresh air circulating. (10) Wash the windows in my apartment. (11) Put winter clothes away! (Can we really do that?!?) And, on and on. What’s on your Spring Cleaning list?
All of the ideas floating around in my brain give me some anxiety, feeling like there’s so much to do and not much time to do everything. I sometimes feel pressured to do all of the things on my list. Right now!
And, here’s a question I ask myself to relieve some of that anxiety, to get some things done, and to protect my mental health: What would help me feel less stressed right now? It’s a question I ask myself for many things, not just Spring Cleaning. By prioritizing my list to determine what is the most important thing to do TODAY, I don’t have to worry about things that don’t have to be done until next week. When I can concentrate on the present moment, I start to make progress on my list and also decrease my stress level. It really helps to keep from feeling overwhelmed and, (bonus!) gives me a place to start.
I hope your Spring is bursting with positive energy so kindness blooms all around you! Pass it on!
On we go,