Upper Adolescent June Update - Key Experiences, Trip Return Times, and Graduation Details

written by Adam Koehler, Interim UA Program Director

Key Experiences

By the time you’re reading this, UA students will have ventured on their spring key experiences. Key experiences have historically been a grounding moment to begin the school year. But like everyone else, we have had to adapt and change as we navigate the covid-19 pandemic. 

As your student returns from their trip, you may notice some changes: 

  • They may be more present. On each trip, we ask students to leave technology at home. Structured programming and down time offers students a chance to connect in authentic ways. Ask students how they feel about pausing with technology. Ask them how connected they feel to their peers, their guides, and their community.

  • Your student may be more helpful around the house. All students will help on the cooking and cleaning crews. Students will set up their own tents, take care of their possessions, and manage group gear. Ask your student how they feel about taking on community or household roles. Ask them how this could translate into their role at home.

These changes are not guaranteed, but the seeds will have been planted. Next year we hope these trips can be reinstated to occur at the beginning of the school year. To put these trips on after a long school year is a gargantuan task. Thank you to all the support you’ve offered, especially those who donated items or their time.

Trip Return times

Students return on Thursday June 9th at the following times:

  • 12th return at 1pm

  • 11th return at 2pm

  • 10th return at 2pm

Senior Graduation

We will hold graduation at Hamline Methodist Church, on June 10th, at 6 pm. Graduates will need to be at the church promptly at 4:30 pm, located at 1514 Englewood Ave #1299, St Paul, MN.

  Hamline Methodist Church has a rich history of not only being a sanctuary church but a welcoming space for the LGBTQ+ community, as well as different cultures & religions. Families will be able to bring up to 8 members and the space is wheelchair accessible.

After the ceremony, all graduates will gather on the lawn for photos, cake & the official cap/graduation announcement.

Thank you

This school year has been one of adaptation and transition. Thank you for entrusting us with your student. We hope you find some rest and relaxation this summer.


Adam Koehler

Interim Upper Adolescent Program Director