Congratulations, Cross Country Runners

The cross country team has been in training since August 15 - putting in the miles, setting goals, and achieving personal records.  On Tuesday, October 25 the season concluded with the Sectional Meet at Highland Golf Course in St. Paul.  Three individuals achieved their personal bests on the hilly 5k course:  Liam Clark  20:38, Nora Weiss  28:57, and Zach Severy-Hoven   30:45.  

Fantastic races were also run by Nate Rahberg, Roy Buckner, Toby Micko, Sam Severt and Finn Ivaskovic.

Unfortunately, three of the runners were unable to run for the Sectional meet but contributed greatly throughout the season…Alma Ratliff, Lillian Keitel and Murphy Gavin.


*Photos:  Training included early runs on Saturday mornings at Como Lake.