GRS Foundation Update: One GRS Alum in Ecuador

by Jenny Thompson, GRS Foundation board member

Last fall, my daughter, Anna Barron (class of 2017), showed how alumni continue to live out the GRS mission of preparing students for their “unique roles as responsible and engaged citizens of the world.” A junior at Oberlin College in Ohio, Anna spent a semester in Ecuador, living with an Ecuadorian family in Quito, studying politics, development, Spanish, and Kichwa (an indigenous language), and exploring the Galapagos Islands, the Cloud Forest, and the Amazon. In her last month, she lived on her own in the city of Cuenca, interviewing women activists about their political work and histories.

Note the Stars shirt!

Note the Stars shirt!

At MSP airport about to fly to Ecuador

At MSP airport about to fly to Ecuador

The foundation for this Ecuadorian experience was built here at Great River School. From Anna’s first Odyssey trip as a 7th grader to J-Term plays, CAS (Creativity-Action-Service) experiences, Ultimate Frisbee teamwork, and IB classes, the unique programs, caring and connected teachers, and challenging academics helped her grow and develop and gave her confidence to travel the world as her authentic self.

Providing these unique learning experiences to all of our students requires great support from parents and extended family members--and that’s where the GRS Foundation comes in. We’re a 501c3 nonprofit that supports the long-term financial needs of Great River School’s mission. We oversee the Annual Fund and Capital Campaign to provide enduring support for students, faculty, and the school’s urban Montessori learning environment.

Here’s how you can support the GRS mission to create responsible and engaged citizens of the world:

Become an Annual Fund sustainer. Contribute monthly to the GRS Annual Fund (in any amount!) to support our school’s pioneering programming and educational materials. The GRS Annual Fund augments our state funding to enhance the unique learning opportunities and life-changing experiences that make up a Great River education. At the start of this school year, 10% of GRS families were sustainers and we are aiming for 25% by June 30, 2020.

Give to the Capital Campaign to support the long-term facility needs of Great River School, including recreational equipment, outfitting our commercial kitchen, and supporting maintenance needs. Our goal is to raise $250,000 by March 2020. 

Come to the Blue Heron Bash--the biggest fundraiser and “friendraiser” of the year, on March 21, 2020.

Get involved with the GRS Foundation. We would love more committed parents and caregivers with a variety of backgrounds to help us be champions and stewards of GRS fundraising. For more information, email me at

Thank you for all you do to support Great River School!