Nobel Conference 2019


GRS students had the opportunity to attend the Nobel Conference, a longtime conference linking high school students and teachers with the world’s foremost scholars and researchers in discussion centered on contemporary issues relating to the natural and social sciences. This year’s theme “Climate Changed: Facing Our Future”, asked “What tools are available, what research efforts do we require, and what kind of people do we need to be to conceptualize and address global climate challenges? What will our future climate be like and will it be hospitable to people and other life forms? What will a fossil-free economy look like and how do we transition to it? What kinds of social and political institutions must we create to curb anthropogenic greenhouse gases? What role can and should new technologies play in managing a new global climate? How do we respond to climate change while also alleviating poverty? Whose voices get heard and whose are marginalized?”

“The changes being wrought on the earth’s climate system are vast, without precedent, and of such magnitude and scale as to potentially alter life itself. Nobel Conference 55 asks “What tools are available, what research efforts do we require, and what kind of people do we need to be to conceptualize and address global climate challenges?” Nobel Conference 55 will bring together seven leading thinkers to address climate change from perspectives including paleoclimate studies, climate justice, climate modeling, and climate adaptation. We invite you to join us to grapple with the causes and consequences of climate change and with our responses to the challenges it presents us, as individuals and as a society.”
