Great River & TCA Announce New Mascot

Great River School and Twin Cities Academy have a new mascot for their sports cooperative - the Tigers! Great River and TCA have been partner schools for years, and as we enter a new decade of our partnership for athletics, we are revamping our presence in the athletic conference from "Charter School Cooperative"  to "TCA & GRS Tigers". 


The logo above integrates the Great River Athletic Stars logo into our shared Tiger mascot. Athletic Director Victor Vondracek sees real benefit into a renewed logo and image - he reports "A real identity for the cooperative will generate recognition across the conference of who we are as a partnership."  

The charter cooperative was a vestige from an original 2004 cooperative of 5 schools. Great River's Star emblem - seen on the Great River Ultimate jerseys and in LIST league uniforms - will still be a Great River team name. Victor says "We've also integrated the Great River Star into our cooperative logo. The new 'Tigers' name gives our schools a unified team name and place to get cooperative spirit going!" 

Great River looks forward to our new partnership mascot! Look for spiritwear with our shared logo!

Sam O'Brien
Head of School