UA Culture Day is a student-led event and will be an opportunity for ALL UA students and staff to build community with one another over food dishes in a potluck style lunch representative of the cultures present at Great River.
Friday, February 16th the UA BIPOC Student Group is sponsoring a UA Culture Day and we need your help!
Who: ALL UA Students (Grades 9-12)
What: BIPOC Staff Q&A 11:50-12:20 and Potluck style lunch 12:25-12:55
When: Friday February 16th
Where: GRS Gym
What are we asking of students, parents, and caregivers?
Those that are willing and able, we are asking for your assistance in preparing a dish or drink for everyone to share that may be representative of your culture.
We are also asking for parent volunteers that would be willing to help with the setup/cleanup of this event on Friday, February 16th at GRS.
Please utilize the signup genius link HERE if you are able and willing to volunteer.