Congratulations! Great River School wins American Scandinavian Foundation Grant!

Great River School won a grant from the American Scandinavian Foundation to create a year-long artist-teaching residency with Anna Sharratt to infuse the Slöjdklubbar (“craft club”) approach into GRS, both to enhance the experiences of students in the school over the long term and to take a significant next step to expand educational slöjd in the Upper Midwest.

Anna Sharratt has worked in youth education and curriculum development for 25 years, with an emphasis on hands-on skills and experiential learning to develop confidence and autonomy. Anna currently teaches traditional Scandinavian handcraft to kids and adults at a variety of institutions in Minneapolis and greater Minnesota. Anna will be teaching disciplines including green wood carving, weaving, wet and needle felting, embroidery, sewing, wirework, cordage and rope-making, paper arts, basketry, and knitting.

Anna will develop a simple, age-specific curriculum for ongoing use for all levels; instruct students directly (7th - 8th grade); support students in independent handcraft explorations (9th - 12th grade); celebrate students’ experiences with handcraft through events involving the wider school community (students, faculty, and families); and showcase the entire process to educators throughout the region with data and guidance for replication.