Hello Great River Families!
Announcement below about events for students for end of the year events specific to affinity groups.
See a frequently-asked-questions document about affinity group events at Great River School here.
What: Affinity group events designed for students who share marginalized experience.
Why: Research has repeatedly shown that students do better when in a supportive, reflective environment. Affinity groups and teachers sharing identities with students are two concrete ways we can support our students as they journey into adulthood.
When: There are multiple year-end events for school-wide GSA* and BIPoC** student affinity groups. school-wide affinity event May 22nd for PoC students, & May 29th is a year-end GSA event.
Who: These are affinity events open to all students, and designed for students who have a shared experience.
As with all interactions at Great River, we hold students to the standard of being honest and respectful with each other.
Next year, there are plans for additional affinity groups including:
- student mental health, family experience (divorce, adoption, multi-home experience)
- specific identity groups
- race and ancestry
- gender expression
- family income
- physical ability
Great River is also working to set up partnerships for students at our school to connect with city-wide organizations at other high schools such as Black Student Union and Asian Student Union.
*GSA: Gender & Sexuality Alliance - student group centered on support & solidarity of queer adolescents
**BIPoC: Black, Indigenous, and People of Color - acronym recognizing that “Black”, “Indigenous”, and “People of Color” are phrases that center the experience of peoples in North American society and history.