About Ultimate

Ultimate is often referred to as a cross between basketball, soccer, and football. It is played 7 v 7 on a 110 x 40 yards field which includes two 20 yard end zones. The game is played by passing the disc between players (you cannot walk/run with the disc) in order to catch the disc in the end zone for a score. It is a non-contact sport and there are no referees, ultimate is a player-officiated sport in which the players make their own foul or violation calls. Any disputes are resolved between the players involved.

Minnesota Ultimate is the organizing body for the Middle and High School league. The Minnesota school season begins in mid-March and ends with a state-wide tournament near the end of May.

USA Ultimate is the organizing body for the college and various club leagues. The also organize a Regional tournament in which competitive High School teams from several states come together to play each other one weekend in May. Minnesota is a part of the Central Region, which includes other states within the mid-west.

For questions about registration, off-season opportunities, or general info, visit the Stars Ultimate page or email ultimate@greatriverschool.org